Monday, January 24, 2022

Makar Kashitsyn - Chilling at Makar's (January 2022 Rainy Days)

”Chilling at Makar” is about life in New York and places where you feel like you belong. United by one idea, musicians all around the world create music together despite the difficulties of life. Makar’s place at New York had guests everyday, people would drink, eat and create beautiful music together. Doesn’t matter who you are, you would be always welcome at Makar’s place if you have love for music in your heart.

1. Astral Trane 08:03
2. Use It, Don’t Abuse It 07:50
3. Dear Sonny 05:54
4. Chilling At Makar's 05:51

Makar Kashitsyn — alto sax
Art Baden — tenor sax
Alexey Podymkin — piano
Makar Novikov — bass
Sasha Mashin — drums

Producer Sasha Mashin
Executive Producer Eugeny Petrushansky
Recording, Mixing Sasha Mashin