Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Topsi Series / When Will Never Meet (May 3, 2021 Umlaut Records)

“When will never meet” is the soundtrack of a fragmented movie in transformation. Engaging many musicians of the Berlin scene, performing in solo or in small bands, this soundtrack is a collage of the impossible, a mosaic of wishes and lost opportunities, the dream of a lonely demiurge.

1. Kleiderordnung
2. Irrenanstalt Buch, Festes Haus
3. Das Schiffchen Fliegt, Der Webstuhl Kracht
4. Niemand Ist Hier Geboren
5. But Being
6. Spreekreisschiftfahrtsgesellschaftstouristenselfiestangenhauptknopf video
7. Über Das Taubenproblem
8. Du Bist Bereits Auf Der Anderen Seite
9. Smalltalk Über Zeit

A : Sheeps
Olga Nosova : drums, voice
DJ Illvibe : turntables
Antonio Borghini : electric bass
B : Andrea Neumann
Andrea Neumann : inside piano
C : Carpet Below
Michael Thieke : clarinet
Kai Fagaschinski : clarinet
Liz Albee : trumpet, conch shell
Matthias Müller : trombone
D : Heather / Repotente
Steve Heather : drums
Rico Repotente : electric guitar
E : Il Salto del Dogo
Antonio Borghini : double bass
Grégoire Simon : violin
Anil Eraslan : cello
Rudi Fischerlehner : drums
F : Peepholes have the power
Mat Pogo : voice
Liz Albee : trumpet, conch shell
Antonio Borghini : double bass
Steve Heather : drums
G : Lillinger /Schick
Christian Lillinger : drums
Ignaz Schick : turntables
H : Al Schachtel
Alexis Baskind : electronics
I : Manunkind
Almut Kühne : voice
Michael Thieke : clarinet
Gerhard Gschlößl : trombone
Girogio Pacorig : piano
Antonio Borghini : double bass
J : An Kopf
Antonio Borghini : double bass
K : Hook, Line and Sinker
Tristan Honsinger : cello, voice
Antonio Borghini : double bass, voice
Tobias Delius : tenor saxophone, clarinet, voice
Axel Dörner : trumpet
L : Die Hochstapler
Louis Laurain : trumpet
Pierre Borel : alto saxophone
Antonio Borghini : double bass
Hannes Lingens : drums

Conceived and produced by Antonio Borghini and Alexis Baskind.
Recording : Berlin . 2017-2018
Sound engineering : Alexis Baskind (Christoph Schlimbach for session I)
Painting and graphic design : Joel Grip
Produced by Topsi Series for Umlaut Records.
Topsi Series produces records, books and films related to the activities around the venue “Au Topsi Pohl” in Berlin.