Monday, March 26, 2018

Quadrumane - Quadrumane (2018)

Quadrumane loves stroking sounds, with a fondness for the unusual, the little-twisted, the big-full-of-rhythm, the sinuous and the uncertain. Freezes you in a roar, mollifies you with a melody. Improvises a lot, a strike here, a blow there, plics, plocs, and even bzuts.

1. Lou Wazo 04:38
2. The Tenebrous Shadow Of The Hidden (But Yellow) Moon 08:33
3. El Oazzo 05:38
4. O’Azow 10:44
5. Glandouf 08:56
6. L’Amoureux Egyptien 07:29

Erwin Toul: batterie, radio-cassette, électronique
Pierre-Yves Baudin: soprano saxophone, bass clarinet, electronique