Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tommy Moustache - Ego (2017)

It might have been our fault. We might have led you to believe that it’s easy. We might have led you to believe that it’s for everyone. But it’s not.

So follow us. If you do, if you’re up to it, you will soon find yourself among the lucky few. People will be jealous. Who wouldn’t be? But don’t worry. Those people don’t matter. You don’t even matter. It’s not about you.

1 Hosternokke 00:03:56
2 Brute Force 00:05:03
3 Bax! Baxbax! Bax! 00:05:48
4 Joe's Cameltoe Show 00:05:57
5 Bruno 00:04:49
6 Rio Mantequilla 00:04:24
7 Operation G-Ball 00:04:41
8 Boleratio 00:04:16
9 Monacre 00:04:45
10 Un Hombre de Verdad 00:05:10