Sunday, April 25, 2021

DOM K. Trio - Requiem for Bella (April 25 2021)

Requiem for Bella is the music from Hugging the Air, Clenching Teeth, multimedia art and work in progress, that is update every April 25, day of the birth of María Oriana Chiappe Ontiveros. In memoriam.

1. 51 Nereids – 51 Nereidas 05:43
2. Birds, Lifecycle – Aves, ciclo de vida 07:16
3. Listen to my voice – Escucha mi voz 05:15
4. Fragility, Desolation – Fragilidad, desolación 11:17

DOM K. Trio
Dom K: guitar
Fidel Cordero: piano
David de la Fuente: drums

Music by - composición: Domenico Chiappe
Produced and Arranged by – Producción y arreglos: Fidel Cordero
Recorded on - grabada en Madrid, on january to march – de enero a marzo de 2021