Thursday, October 25, 2018

Kyle J-E: Vulnerability (Solo Piano Improvisations) November 9, 2018

The concept of vulnerability is something that I have been thinking a lot about and realizing its importance. Vulnerability and improvised music are very much connected; there is an openness in improvised music that I am very attracted to. This openness, this vulnerability, is also what brings about beauty in improvised music. When an artist creates something on the spot, it requires vulnerability because they do not know exactly how it will go – it might contain an idea that they've never conceptualized before. 

In this album I took a lot of risks and tried things that I've never practiced before because new ideas came to my mind while I was improvising. Because of this, there are moments with flaws and mistakes but also moments of beauty. 

In my personal life I have begun trying to live out this vulnerability more. I have always had trouble opening up to people but when you are vulnerable, you open up the possibility of more beautiful things coming to be. When you are vulnerable with someone, you allow that person to be able to love you more completely than before. It can be risky, but it is worth it. When someone is vulnerable with someone else, that person gets a better understanding of who the other person is. With understanding a person, you are then able to fully love them. When you understand somebody, you are better able to relieve them from suffering and to love them for who they actually are.

Without vulnerability, there is no room for growth or for beauty. Another aspect of vulnerability is being vulnerable to yourself. Allowing yourself to see the way you are and accept your flaws. It's important to remember that who you are is not fixed and that you can always improve. Being honest with yourself helps you be in a better spot for yourself and other relationships.I hope that by reading this and listening to this album, you can be inspired to be more vulnerable in your own life. 

Kyle J-E - upright piano
Produced and Mastered by Kyle J-E

1. Equanimity
2. Sir Chin Pt. 1
3. Sir Chin Pt. 2
4. Interlude (Fragile)
5. Arriving Nowhere
6. Path of Least Harm
7. Interlude (Thought)
8. The Uncertain Tea
9. Song for Zorro
10. Box in a Cat
11. Interlude (Moment)
12. Useless Construct
13. Piece Together
14. Help Yourself